Contributions made to the Pemberton Secondary Athletics Program
The safety mats found at either end of the gym were the first major purchase for Pemberton Secondary by PSS Alumni, back in 2010.
The Grad Class of 2012 included an exceptionally strong group of athletes, and as their legacy, with the help of the Alumni Association, they purchased athletic chairs to replace the benches at game time.
In the fall of 2013, PSS Alumni hosted the Harlem Crowns. This was the first year that Pemberton Secondary offered four girls basketball teams, (Grade 8, Grade 9, Grade 10, and Senior). There were not enough uniforms for a fourth team, so money raised from the Crowns game was used to suit up the grade 8 girls.
*Another person that deserves recognition for his contributions made to our program is Mark Leverton. Although not Alumni, he has spent much of his teaching career at Pemberton Secondary volunteering for athletics. He has also officiated a countless number of basketball games and has not accepted payment, making purchases like the above mentioned possible.